Sunday, January 17, 2010

Army of the Horde

Here is the list of the dungeons we need to do and the level requirments! Enjoy

- Docblast PS: wow a mumbo jumbo of info..maybe someone can post a better version!

Location: Westfall, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 42, 71Minimum Level: 10Level Range: 16-22- Wailing CavernsLocation: The Barrens, KalimdorCoords: 46, 36Minimum Level: 10Level Range: 16-25- Blackfathom DeepsLocation: Ashenvale, KalimdorCoords: 14, 13Minimum Level: 19Level Range: 20-28- GnomereganLocation: Dun Morogh, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 24, 39Minimum Level: 20Level Range: 24-32- Razorfen DownsLocation: The Barrens, KalimdorCoords: 45, 89Minimum Level: 25Level Range: 33-42- UldamanLocation: Badlands, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 44, 12Minimum Level: 30Level Range: 36-42- MaraudonLocation: Desolace, KalimdorCoords: 29, 62Minimum Level: 30Level Range: 42-51- Blackrock DepthsLocation: Searing Gorge/ Burning Steppes, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 34, 85Minimum Level: 40Level Range: 52-58- King of Dire MaulLocation: Feralas, KalimdorCoords: 59, 45Minimum Level: 45Level Range: 55-60- StratholmeLocation: Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 27, 12Minimum Level: 45Level Range: 58-60- Ragefire ChasmLocation: Orgrimmar, KalimdorCoords: 52, 49Minimum Level: 8Level Range: 12-18- Shadowfang KeepLocation: Silverpine Forest, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 44, 67Minimum Level: 10Level Range: 17-25- Stormwind StockadeLocation: Stormwind, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 50, 66Minimum Level: 15Level Range: 21-27- Razorfen KraulLocation: The Barrens, KalimdorCoords: 43, 90Minimum Level: 17Level Range: 23-33- Scarlet MonasteryLocation: Tirisfal Glades, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 82, 33Minimum Level: 20Level Range: 28-42- Zul'FarrakLocation: Tanaris, KalimdorCoords: 38, 20Minimum Level: 35Level Range: 42-48- Sunken TempleLocation: Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 69, 54Minimum Level: 35Level Range: 46-53- Lower Blackrock SpireLocation: Searing Gorge/ Burning Steppes, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 34, 85Minimum Level: 45Level Range: 54-60- ScholomanceLocation: Wester Plaguelands, Eastern KingdomsCoords: 69, 73Minimum Level: 45Level Range: 58-60


Yah has moved over to Server: TANARIS

I'm leveling my Paladin who's level 15 right now. Look me up as Docblast!

Take care!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Yah where are you? I am attempting to get the guild back together. It would help a lot if you came back. So yea....... Me choco, chip, arc, and doom are putting the guild back together. Yup.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Guild is falling apart

OH NOES! YAH WHERE ARE YOU? :( I left the guild a few days ago. I wish you would come back. A lot of people left. And are leaving. So yea... :(

Sunday, August 9, 2009